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Should you ever park up next to others in an empty campsite?

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Oooh, now that’s a juicy question… Is it ever ok to park next to another vehicle in an empty campsite, or other location? This issue comes up time and time again on camping forums, and divides opinion each time it does. On one forum I read, one person said that they had opened their motorhome window one morning to find that a tent was pitched directly underneath it, in an otherwise pretty empty field, and the inhabitants were even leaning on their vehicle, having a cup of tea!


Why do people do it - isn’t it a bit of an odd thing to do? It’s perhaps comparable to being at the gym, surrounded by an empty row of treadmills, and then someone comes along and chooses the one right next to you to use, with no apparent reason why.


It does seem like this is a seemingly common occurrence, so let’s investigate these campsite space invaders and see what might be happening here.




Why do people do it?


I have to say, doing my research on this brought to light several more potential reasons than I had originally thought might be the case.


It certainly looks like there might be a behavioural element to it. People do tend to naturally gravitate towards each other - perhaps it’s an unconscious thing, and people are doing it without thinking. It could just be a habit, or something they do for ‘neatness’ to not disrupt an otherwise empty area in the rest of the surroundings. Perhaps it feels like there’s a sense of ‘safety in numbers’, with the idea that thieves will generally tend to target the more isolated vehicle in a larger group - like a lion picking out the wildebeest straggler. 


Some people have reported that they think it is the ‘done’ thing, to make a group of vehicles in one area. We are herd animals, after all.


It might be that people are simply wanting to pick the best spot. And if you are already there first, and are near a light source, for example, or the best shady spot, or you’ve secured a place on the flattest ground, it might look to others like the best place to be and therefore they may feel like joining you.


Some suggestions put forward by campers have been that it’s about them being the one to choose who they park next to - effectively, giving the second person parking the element of control rather than leaving it up to chance as to who subsequently parks next to them. That’s an interesting one…


It seems the weather and time of day can also have an impact for some on arrival at a campsite. There have been reports from campers who’ve said they feel that if they arrive at a campsite at night or in the dark, they are more likely to park nearer others, for safety reasons.


Some people have stated that they tend to park next to other people, to use other vehicles to gauge whether they are within the lines when parking, which might be relevant when parking up in a carpark but would obviously be less likely in a field. This also begs the question whether these people should be driving large vehicles in the first place, but perhaps that’s for another time!




Why shouldn’t you do it?


1. Er, it might be seen as a bit odd


Why would you want to get so close to another vehicle? Invading other people’s space is just likely to annoy them, and surely you need your own space too… 


You never know, you might rock up next to the world’s loudest snorer. And that begs the question on moving etiquette - does it then look rude to then move spots if you don't like where you've parked?


2. It might worry the person you've parked next to


There’s a safety aspect to this one - if you think about it, imagine how you would feel if you suddenly had someone turn up and park directly next to you, when other spaces were available. If you were on your own, you quite rightly might feel concerned or intimidated.


3. You might be restricting access areas


Depending on your vehicle and how you have parked, the door openings might be on the same side as your neighbour. And what about the awning? It’s not just about the vehicles, it's your add-ons and extras as well that might encroach on another’s space.


4. You might be seriously affecting other peoples’ peace


Think about the inhabitants that you are unleashing when you park up. Have you got four kids, a dog and a loud radio? Excellent. That’s probably just what your new neighbours ordered…


What can you do if it happens to you?


Well, you can always move spots if you don’t feel safe. You could wait until the other people are out to then go elsewhere, if you don’t want to do it in front of them. 


You could ask them why - if you feel safe to do so and you are curious. Who knows what the answer might be, and there might actually be a reasonable explanation for it. (Or not…)


If this is you…


Exciting! Please do tell us - why do you choose to park directly next to others in an otherwise empty location? Is it for any of the above reasons, or something else? Let us know below in the comments…

