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Should we be worried about notes left on windscreens?

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There have been reports of people leaving notes on motorhome windscreens, asking if the owners are interested in selling the vehicle. These notes can be handwritten, or perhaps be a photocopied handwritten note which is potentially then widely distributed across multiple motorhomes. The concern by owners can often be that the offer to purchase is not genuine, and that perhaps there might be a less than desirable reason for the note being left in the first place. Below we consider what the concern might be, and if there is potentially anything to worry about.


What’s this all about, then?


Whether a valid concern or not, some people say that they worry that the notes come from individuals in the travelling community, and that those who are leaving the notes might want to either steal the vehicle, or parts off of it, such as the tyres.


When posting about the phenomenon on forums and other information sites, some people have answered the original poster by saying that the people leaving the notes are surely up to no good, and that precautions should be taken, such as removing the wheels for security so that the motorhome can’t be stolen, or suggesting they sleep in the vehicle permanently to stop it from being stolen. But surely this is a step too far...


Is it likely to be an issue?


Let’s think about this. If they are putting a note with their name and contact details on a windscreen, are they really likely to be thinking about stealing it? Surely they are not going to advertise the fact that they are looking to steal it! Chances are, the person leaving the note is actually interested in buying the vehicle. 


Some notes may even be left by dealers, who might be masquerading as a private prospective buyer. This may be a marketing tactic, and them just looking to show a more personal touch (which many potential sellers might prefer).


As is the case when considering any options to sell your vehicle, use caution, and apply common sense. If it feels dodgy, it probably is.




So, could you sell your motorhome that way? 


Yes, of course - you could do. However we’ve got some pointers for you to make sure that it goes smoothly.


1. If you are being paid by cash, make sure the money is paid into your bank in your presence so you can make sure the bank notes are real. Be aware that if using this method the bank are likely to ask various questions in line with money laundering regulations, and there is a limit to how much you can pay in which can differ between different banks. 

2. If accepting payment by bank transfer, don’t let the motorhome be taken away until you’ve got the cleared funds in your account. 

3. If the buyer is actually trying it on, they might try some tricks, such as declaring the motorhome has damp issues etc. If so, you can then say that you will get it independently checked. That may scare them off sufficiently, or stop them from trying to reduce the value.

4. It’s often best to go through an established dealer, so you have some level of protection if anything goes wrong. Try to go with a reputable brand - do your research first and check out their reviews both online and by asking other motorhome owners for their opinions and experience. Have a look at all of our five star reviews on our homepage, left by our satisfied customers - that's the sort of service you should be aiming for.


On another note (!), we have heard of reports of some lovely notes being left on windscreens, offering local info on places to stay, offers of water on a hot day or even a ‘I think you might be stuck in the mud, give me a call and I’ll get my mate's truck and we’ll try to help!’ So the message here then is that not all intentions are bad, and not all notes will be deceptive, menacing or unfriendly… in fact, some might indeed be welcome.